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Loving-kindness, Friendliness, Benevolence, Amity, Friendship, Good Will.

A close mental union (on same mental wavelength) and active interest in others.
This, we believe, is unconditional love. 
That is why Metta is a part of our name.

Plantación de niños en invernadero

We are motivated by the desire for the well-being and happiness of others. We are inspired by the Buddhist Metta philosophy: a universal love that can overcome all social, religious, ethnic, political and economic barriers. Metta is about seeing the world with kindness and goodwill towards others and towards ourselves.

Vision Metta starts under the purpose and direction of Ron Mohl Sr., who wants to share his life experience through education on good health habits. At 74 years old, he feels healthy and happy thanks to the practice of habits such as eating healthy, daily meditation practice and activities  like playing tennis and walking in the morning; in short, to give his body the correct tools to feel full. Now Ron is dedicated to Vision Metta, a project he always dreamed of carrying out, since he wants many people to lead a balanced life. For Ron, health is our most valuable asset.


Ronald L. Mohl, Sr., learned about Metta when communicating with his yoga instructor. When he looked up the definition, he knew that word summarized what he had envisioned as his life’s mission: helping others have a better lifestyle.

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